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古思时尚女装KOOLS Collection 公司简介: 古思时尚隶属于广州古日 (KOOLS)贸易有限公司品牌之一,古日(KOOLS)贸易有限公司是中外(香港)合资企业,,华逸高级时装公司集团成员。创立于2003年,华逸集团是-家集时裝设计,生产,销售为-体的服装集团企业, 以生产女装为主,产品主要销往欧洲、美国、加拿大、新加坡、澳大利、中东等国家和地区,拥有超过150个销售网点包括世界顶级的美国Bloomingdale’s 百货公司,畅销欧美。KOOLS公司近年开始积极拓展亚太地区市场,配合集团的传统优势,设立亚太地区中国及香港事业部,帶着自创品牌KOOLS Collection热切进入中国电子商务领域。 2010年KOOLS公司更成功引入LM Collection美国高端时装品牌,拥有LM Collection在大中华亚太地区的独家经营权,LM Collection的引入为KOOLS公司的时装品牌系列发展注入了新的元素,并以此为契机,开始拓展中国国内业务,主要从事服饰电子商务,通过网络进行服装直销, 伸延在女装市场的知名度和美誉度。 KOOLS Collection流行于时尚品味,独特于剪裁工艺,专注于原料品质, 优勝于舒适。 设计理念: KOOLS Collection品牌首先关注的是时尚度, 舒适度, 跟着是性价比元素。总公司集团在美国纽约设立服装设计队的大本营. 我们的服装设计团队广泛吸取法国巴黎、意大利米兰、美国纽约、中国香港, 上诲, 韩国首尔、日本东京等世界著名时尚之都的流行信息,将欧美最新时尚元素和东方文化精髓融合,倡导“简约、时尚、知性、优雅, 舒适”贴近生活的设计理念。 品牌定位: KOOLS 公司的目标客户群定位在成熟, 独立, 自信, 大方, 高贵的时代女性,KOOLS Collection服装适合办公室、休闲, 社交、聚会、仪式、典礼、婚礼, 婚宴等各种场合。 令人称道的是,KOOLS 公司在拓展亚太区电子商务领域的时候,撇开国际知名品牌惯用的高价位的做法,采用品牌官方直营,降低运营成本,将更多优惠还于中国消费者。 KOOLS 公司同时以“女人,都该拥有漂亮的Kools品牌衣服”为使命,将Kools打造为“中国最佳女装品牌之-”为目标。 材料品质: KOOLS Collection品牌的原材料,较擅长于使用高档华美的丝绸、全棉、全羊毛等天然面料,也特别注重运用高科技面料,如:富强纤维、氨纶、莱卡等,使衣物既有天然面料的舒适性,又容易清洗,不易变形。LM Collection系列多采用传统手工艺针线制作,注重品质,彰显华贵,非常适合晚宴、婚宴、典礼、仪式等,令女性能够轻松应对多种社交场合。 Introduction The Guangzhou KOOLS trading company Ltd is a member of the Guangzhou Craftworks Garment group based in Guangzhou, China. The Craftworks Garment group, established in 2003, is an all in one clothing company that designs, produces, and sells high end woman clothes, which are currently sold in Europe, US, Canada, Singapore, Australia, and the Middle East through a distribution network of over 150 shops including the famous Bloomingdale’s department stores in US. In line with the group’s traditions of advantages in the garment industry, KOOLS Ltd has been keen in recent years on expanding its business into the Asia Pacific market, having set up offices in Hong Kong and China and will bring the products of KOOLS Collection brand into the Chinese online shopping arena. In 2010 KOOLS Ltd has successfully carried the LM Collection, an US elegant evening wear brand and got its exclusive selling rights in the Asia Pacific region. The inclusion of LM Collection adds to the new elements of KOOLS Collection products and is viewed as an opportunity to expand the brands into China’s market. KOOLS Ltd will focus on direct selling on the internet to continuously sustain the reputation and popularity of our brand portfolio in the woman clothing market. KOOLS Collection is trendy in fashion styles, unique in tailoring craftsmanship, superior in raw materials, and excellent in comfort. Design Concepts The primary focus of KOOLS Collection designs is on trend and comfort, followed by the price performance elements. Our head office has established a fashion design team based in New York. And our design team extensively collects the latest fashion information from the cities of Paris, Milan, New York, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Seoul, Tokyo, and other similar sources. KOOLS Ltd is also blending US and Europe’s latest fashion styles with the essence of oriental culture and advocates the design concepts of "simple, trendy, intellectual, elegant and comfortable" living style. Brand Positioning KOOLS Ltd has positioned their customer targets on mature, independent, confident, generous and noble women of all times. KOOLS Collection brand clothing is suitable for office, casual, social gathering, meetings, rituals, ceremonies, wedding banquets and other occasions. Our customers will appreciate the fact that while KOOLS Ltd is expanding into the area of online shopping, it will not charge higher price as an international brand name and instead, will use online direct selling to reduce the operating cost. As a result, the benefits of lower price and additional discounts will be given to customers. At the same time, KOOLS Ltd has a tenet that every woman has a beautiful dress from Kools and a goal that KOOLS Collection will become one of the best fashion brands in China. Materials Quality KOOLS Ltd uses top graded and magnificent silk, cotton, wool and other natural fabrics as raw materials. KOOLS Ltd is especially keen on using high-tech fabrics, such as rich and strong fibers, spandex, etc. Since the clothes are made of natural fabrics, they are comfortable, easy to clean, and not easy to deform. Likewise, LM Collection uses traditional handicraft for sewing production that emphasizes quality and highlights luxury. They are ideal for various important occasions such as parties, weddings, signing ceremonies, etc. so that woman can confidently steal the show.



2016-07-15 16:51:55


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